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Writer's pictureSt. Joseph Parish

VBS A Big Success!

Saint Joseph Parish sponsored its bi-annual Vacation Bible School this week. Eleven children registered for “camp” and when you talked to them, they all said they had a great time and were sad that it had to end.  The theme was “SonTreasure Island” (based on I Corinthians 13) loosely built on the television show, “Gilligan’s Island.”

More precious than gold, more lasting than diamonds, it is the greatest treasure of all—God’s love! At SonTreasure Island, our treasure seekers watched daily skits, which followed the story of 4 Island characters searching for a long-lost family treasure, which turned out to be the most valuable treasure of all, The Holy Bible. They played island games, created colorful crafts and enjoyed tropical snacks. But more importantly, they discovered the rich treasure of God’s love through the life of Jesus.

As they have done in the past, our two coordinators, Nicole Slowinski and Vicky Rockstroh did a fantastic job organizing and planning the 3-day event.  This year, they were assisted by Kristin Slowinski, Rebecca Scranton, Mary Ledwell, Mary Brooks, April Helenek and parents Virginia Christi and Caitrin Livingstone.

Thanks also to Juanita Bousquet for providing snacks for everyone, and Michelle Hillman, Therese Hinkell, Virginia McGinn and Gloria Jean Purinton for providing craft materials to be used during the week.

The goings-on took place in the newly renovated parish hall, which received a lot of compliments on its new appearance.

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