Facilities Commission - The Facilities Commission assists the Pastor and staff on building and
grounds improvements and maintenance issues. Background in building trades, engineering, and
architecture is helpful but not required. Contact the rectory to volunteer at 413-625-6405.
Finance Council (PFC) - The Finance Council serves as an advisory board to the pastor. Members are appointed by the Pastor. The parish has an "open book policy" that fosters transparency and provides access to financial information concerning the parish's assets, receipts and expenses. Please submit your name if you would be interested in serving. Contact the rectory at 413-625-6405.
Pastoral Council (PPC)- The parish pastoral council is a consultative body that serves to advise the pastor about pastoral issues. The PPC recognizes the varied gifts of the parish members and invites them to an active leadership role in the parish. It serves as an important means by which the pastor
will hear the voice of the parish. Together they discern the pastoral needs of the parish and ways in which those needs can be addressed. If you would like to be part of the team, please submit your name. Pastoral Council members serve a 3 year term. Contact Father Lunney, Pastor at 413-625-6405.
Hospitality Committee- Hospitality Committee members offer their time, talents, and culinary services for parish community events such as coffee hours, first communion breakfast and when called upon by the pastor for
Diocese of Springfield priestly deanery meetings. To volunteer your time and talents contact Peggy March at 413-625-6381 or Karen Dobosz at 413-625-6825.
Knights of Columbus (KofC) - The Knights is Catholic is a national men organization, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place while supporting their parish church. The Knights are busy fostering the catholic faith through activities for all interests. Meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Keep an eye out for Knights of Columbus Events on the Parish Calendar.
Please visit us on Facebook for the latest updates.
To join our Parish KofC contact Larry Channel at 1 (757) 641-5916.
Tag Sale Committee Member/Volunteers - The Annual Parish Tag Sale Committee functions as a fundraiser group that raises vital funds for our parish operating needs. Volunteers are always needed at the Tag Sale event held annually. If you are interested in joining the committee or volunteering at the Tag Sale contact Barbara Yager at 413-834-7808.
Christmas Fair Committee/Volunteers – Members give their time and talent in organizing and making craft and sale items for the annual Christmas fair held in November. Volunteers give their time at the fair and assist in the fair setup and take-down. Funds raised are used to bring financial support
to the needs of the parish. To become a member of the committee or to volunteer at the fair contact Michelle Hillman at 413-624-3310.
Women’s Guild- Make new friends and reconnect with past friends while enjoying social activities, spiritual growth, and community work. Open to all women of the parish. Contact: Gina Wells, Parish Secretary at 413-625-6405.