The National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans week is observed the week of February 9-15, 2014. Each year it is timed to coincide with Valentine’s Day, which is a perfect time to open our hearts in appreciation to the veterans who served our country. Please join us again this year in honoring them with valentine cards and thoughtful letters that show they are not forgotten. We invite and recommend you visit the
Veterans Affairs Canada website for some inspirational idea recommendations and a short list of things to avoid.
The messages will be delivered to veterans at the Holyoke Veterans Home next week. We invite each parishioner to make a card and drop it off in the side entrance to St. Joseph Church no later than Sunday, February 9. The catechists and students of our CCD classes will also be making cards for the veterans this weekend. Their goal is to make 128 cards, or enough for 2 floors at the home.
If you would like to help out with the delivery of the cards, and perhaps visit with some pretty amazing people, please contact the rectory ASAP as we need to make arrangements with the home for your visit (they will want to things like what kind of car you will be driving, license plate number, etc., as access is tightly controlled.)