Our 7th annual tag sale was held this past Saturday, August 27th. The crowd was somewhat diminished from last year’s event as Tropical Storm ‘Irene’ was bearing down on us. Still, the weather held out, and we did a fair amount of business.
Initial revenue figures from the tag sale are expected to exceed well over $4,000. Sales from the lottery tree, 50/50 raffle, and the scrap metal intake have not been tallied as of yet.
Monies from this event will be dedicated to our ongoing boiler replacement campaign.
Thanks to all of the parishioners who came to buy “new to you” and “can’t do without” items, and to all of those who dedicated several hours a day, three days a week, in preparations for this – our largest fundraising event of the year. Special thanks go to Nancy Finn, our Coordinator.
There has been rumor of another tag sale being held in October (we have a lot of items taking up significant space in the garage!).