SIGNIFICANT WEDDING ANNIVERSARY LITURGY AND CELEBRATION: On Sunday, June 3, 2012, we will be celebrating anniversaries at the 10:30 a.m. Liturgy of the Eucharist for those couples celebrating their multiple of 5 wedding anniversary during the 2012 calendar year. There will be a special Liturgy with the Renewal of the Vows at the celebration of the Eucharist, and a reception to follow. We don’t have every married parishioners’ anniversary information, so if you didn’t get an invitation to this Liturgy, we ask you R.S.V.P. by phone to (413) 625-6405 by Tuesday, May 29 so the Family & Community Life Commission can plan for the reception following the Liturgy.
So far, we only have 2 couples who have shown an interest in renewing their vows. This is from the 19 couples we know of that are celebrating a significant anniversary this year.