Father Paul entertained a full house at the Shelburne-Buckland Community Center this afternoon for his farewell concert. Many thanks to the Family & Community Life Commission members for putting on an excellent feast, as always!
After some schmoozing with the guests, Father Paul is presented with a picture of Saint Joseph Church signed by over 100 active and homebound parishioners.
Father was then presented with a Kindle 3G with Wi-Fi, and as you can see by his expression, he was VERY surprised and pleased with. He said that he was contemplating purchasing one himself, but was glad he no longer had to. “A million thanks!” He also got $50 spending money with the leftover parishioner donations.
Father Paul, accompanied on piano by Ron Kolinko, sang about 10 songs off his untitled soon-to-be-released CD :)~ The concert lasted about 40 minutes after which, the two received a standing ovation.
After the concertina, a reception line of parishioners formed to say thank you, good-bye, farewell & good luck. Additional pictures can be found here.