Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes (9/6/12)
Attendance: Nancy, Tom, Claire, Doug, Jim, Hugh, Juanita, Tim, Pam, John, Fr. Tony and Michelle
Meeting began at 19:00
Opening Prayer
Read, went over and accepted May 2012 minutes.
The committee reaffirmed that there would be no more stones sold/installed into the Labyrinth as this project was closed out as of June 30, 2012. If any stones were asked to be purchased in the future, then it would be considered at the discretion of St. Joseph’s and if approved, would be installed in the bench area only. The Parish council wanted it relayed to Eileen that they were supportive and thankful for all she did.
Fr. Tony will be writing a letter to the Yaffee’s.
11 kids attended the Vacation Bible School. Tom recommended sending Nicole and Vicky a letter of thanks for their leadership in the Bible School.
Nancy reported that the tag sale and all raised $4828.00. The breakdown spent: $425 for dumpster, $1200-1300 for cleaning/exterminator and $2050 for a contract signed to replace windows in the cellar. Paper ad still needs to be paid. The Total Gym unit brought a winning bid of $400. Jim will look into a few different programs (to do with keeping kids off the street) around Franklin County to give these funds to.
Fr. Tony relayed a few thoughts/ideas to the council as follows:
The role of the Parish Council (PC) is to advise the pastor on the best ways to handle things – he had a very positive start – that once the reception room is painted, he would like to see the PC meet there instead of in the lower church hall as well as other groups, if needed – he stressed that communication is vital in the parish and on that note, future PC minutes could be posted in the bulletin and website (keeping in mind no confidential items) – he would like to offer the Sacrament of the Sick after the 4pm, 6pm and 10:30am Masses the first Saturday and Sunday of each month – the idea of an hour of Eucharistic Adoration was gladly received by council members. Fr. Tony said he also wanted it to be very open, so if somebody could only spend say a few minutes or the whole hour that would be okay. The last 15 minutes could be dedicated to the Rosary for those who could do only that.
7. Jim asked every PC member to come up with one obtainable Evangelization parish goal that could be presented in this Year of Faith. Juanita asked offered “how about something to bring back kids/families.” RCIA was also recommended with blurbs in the bulletin.
8. Items brought up include: Prayer vigil for Nancy Reagey October 19 – electric vigil candles – CCD teachers needed – Christmas Fair on November 19 from 9-3 – Missionaries For the Poor dinner on November 15 at 6p – PA system in mission churches for Fr. Tony. The system in St. John’s does work.
9. Pam inquired about a substitute organist so there could be music at least at the Sunday Masses when Ron is away. Pam was asked to look into the cost of “recorded” music similar to the kinds in Funeral Homes. Jim said that with the new hardbound hymnals (good for 10yrs) we save about $2000 a year.
The next meeting will be on October 4, 2012 at 7pm
Fr. Tony did a closing prayer.
Meeting adjourned at 20:40
Approved: Nancy Finn (signed) 9/6/12