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Writer's pictureSt. Joseph Parish

Parish Donates to Alternative’s Pregnancy Center

Fr. Tony presents a check to Nicole Freeman from the parish.

The parishioners of St. Joseph Parish, comprising St. Christopher in Charlemont and St. John the Baptist in Colrain, recently donated $1,108.00 to Alternative’s Pregnancy Center in Greenfield.  Nicole Freeman, a representative from Alternative’s, and a parishioner, graciously accepted the check on behalf of the center.

Each year, the center holds a baby bottle drive and asks local churches and businesses to donate funds in order to help them provide abortion alternatives (amongst many other services) to mothers and fathers facing problem or unexpected pregnancies.  The bottle drive is about 7 years old now, and the parish is proud to be able to support them in helping others choose life each of those years. 

If you would like to help through your time, talent or treasure, please either phone Kate at Alternative’s, (413) 774-6010, or email her at

UPDATE#1: Another $75 was donated from parishioners who returned their bottle after the deadline.  That brings our total to $1,183! Woo hoo!!! 

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