Maggie (left) and Catherine Charlton (right) enjoy some snacks
We thank the Family & Community Life Committee for another outstanding job providing the delicious snacks and beverages for our coffee hour on Sunday, November 4. Our two newest Altar Servers, Maggie and Catherine Charlton (pictured above) stayed after serving at the 10:30 Mass.
After administering the Sacrament of the Sick to parishioners after Mass, Father Tony came down to meet everyone, and anounced to the crowd: “I’m new here!” and so he is…
Other new parishioners include Valerie Belval, Kim Hoynoski and Family, Kelly Lomnick and Family and the Emond/Charlton Family.
Several new faces have been seen at recent Masses, but have not yet made the decision to register with the parish. We hope they will decide to stay and that we’ll be welcoming them at next year’s coffee hour!