MASS OF THANKSGIVING: The Diocesan Pastoral Council, with the assistance of Sr. Paula Robillard as Director of Faith Formation, has provided a variety of opportunities for diocesan members to come together in celebration of this Year of Faith, which began in October 2012 and will end this November. The Bishop and Council are asking our help in bringing to fruition a diocesan Mass of Thanksgiving, highlighting the laity’s faithful service in roles which enhance the celebrations of Eucharist throughout our parishes. This special Mass honoring Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Readers, Sacristans, Ushers, Choir Members, and Adult Altar Servers will be celebrated on Columbus Day, Monday, October 14, 2013 at 2:00 pm at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish at 127 Holyoke Rd. in Westfield. We ask that you mark this date in your calendar and call the Rectory to RSVP with a headcount if you are interested in attending this special Mass.
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