Our new Council, formally called Trinity Council #16354, now has twenty members (still looking for more!), and will start operating within the parish immediately.
The following Council officers were elected/appointed:
Grand Knight: Don Dunbar II
Deputy Grand Knight: Clifford Paige
Chancellor: James Slowinski
Recorder: Eric Paige
Financial Secretary: Larry Channel
Treasurer: Michael Hayden
Warden: Doug Finn
Chaplain: Fr. Tony
Inside Guard: Robert Slowinski
Trustees: John Peters, Sr., Matthew Slowinski
Meetings are normally held at 7pm on the 4th Tuesday of each month in the parish hall, but will be held on 12/29 this month due to Christmas.
Please see one of the above listed Officers if you are interested in joining the Knights, or contact the office at 625-6405.
Congratulations to all of the charter members and their elected Officers!