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Writer's pictureSt. Joseph Parish

Juanita Bousquet Earns Pius X Award from Diocese

The 2016 Pius X Award for St. Joseph Parish in Shelburne Falls was awarded to Juanita Bousquet, who currently serves as the Director of Religious Education (DRE). This coveted award is the highest state of recognition for parishioners who share in the catechetical ministry of the Church.  Nominees for this prestigious honor are submitted to the Diocese of Springfield by their pastors.  Approved by the diocese, Juanita was honored on December 11 at St. Joseph Church and was presented the 2016 Pius X Award Medal and a framed certificate by Fr. Tony, on behalf of Bishop Mitchell Rozanski, who also sent Juanita a letter of congratulations. The parish is greatly indebted to Juanita for her many years of dedicated service, as well as to all who participate in the catechetical ministry of the parish.

Juanita’s family was also present to help her celebrate.  A small reception was held after the ceremony, and we thank our Family & Community Life Cmte. for the cake and light refreshments.

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