Priests do not like to cancel Mass, but in the event we have a MAJOR storm it may become a necessity. Fr. Bill would celebrate Mass even if no one showed up as he is required to say Mass daily.
As Fr. Bill stated last weekend, you should use commonsense when determining if you should attend Mass due to a storm. Your personal safety must be of paramount importance. If you feel you cannot safely attend Mass, you should spend the time you would’ve at Mass appropriately – perhaps watching the Mass on TV, or reading that week’s readings, the Gospel and in prayer.
If Father Bill decides to cancel any or all Masses on a weekend or weekday, Jim will notify the Springfield TV stations and the Greenfield radio stations (WHAI, WPVQ and WIZZ) and also put a notice on the website, if power is available to do so. Please watch and listen closely for cancellations using these outlets.
Snow shovelers are always needed at each of the churches to pitch in and clear the steps and walkways prior to Mass. It takes about 30-45min, depending on the amount of snow, to prepare for the arrival of our parishioners!
