National Right to Life Congressional Action Alert
U.S. House of Representatives to vote next week on Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act!
WASHINGTON (May 8, 2015) — The Republican leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives has announced that it will bring a landmark pro-life bill to the House floor for a vote on Wednesday, May 13, or Thursday, May 14.
The bill is the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36), which would extend general protection from abortion to unborn children beginning at 20 weeks fetal age — nationwide. This bill could save the lives of thousands of babies each year. This federal bill was developed from model legislation developed by National Right to Life, which has been enacted so far in 11 states.
Well-funded pro-abortion groups are launching an all-out attack on this vital pro-life bill. Planned Parenthood has already announced that it will spend “whatever it takes to stop the ban.”
It is urgently necessary that pro-life citizens immediately place phone calls to the Washington, D.C. offices of U.S. House members, urging them to support the ban. Please click here to visit the National Right to Life Legislative Action Center. Enter your zip code into the “Call Now!” box, and you will be shown the direct-dial phone number of the office of your representative in the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington. Please ask the lawmaker’s staff to record you as urging a vote in favor of H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, also referred to as the “20-week abortion ban.”
You will be also have the opportunity, if you wish, to easily send a brief email message to National Right to Life to report on whether you got through to your representative’s office, and whether you received a clear assurance that the lawmaker intends to vote for the bill.
To view additional information on this important pro-life bill, and documentation on the capacity of unborn children to experience pain by 20 weeks (and even earlier), click here.