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Writer's pictureSt. Joseph Parish

Fr. Paul Off To Quebec

Well, school ended successfully. The opera went well, I think I did well on my only exam, Opera History. I had a recital here a few weeks ago and that went very well indeed. I had it recorded, and am waiting for the CD to come back so I can make copies. I also want to hear what I sounded like so I can get a better idea on what I need to work on over the summer.

In the morning, Wednesday, 3 June, I am going to Canada for the summer. I am going to Sainte Anne de Beaupre. As many of you know, I have been going there since 1990 with a pilgrimage group. Some of you know that in 1999, after I closed the parish of my first pastorate, I went there and worked for 3 months. Since then they have been trying to get me back there to do this again. I offered last year but never heard back from them. This year they hunted me down for this. So off I go. I will be doing church work, saying Mass, rather CELEBRATING Mass, hearing confessions, spending time in what they call the “Kiosk des Benedictions” (Blessing Booth) which is right near the church store. People come in to get their religious articles blessed. I’ve done this before and it is a lot of fun. I get to meet people from all over the place, chat with them, and sometimes do a bit of counseling. Fascinating…simply fascinating. I’ve heard all kinds of stories, given encouragement to all kinds of people, in effect regular church work, but I never have to see them again! Sounds rude I know, but sometimes we need to have that kind of break where we can give a listening ear and NOT have to worry about follow up. At times I would like to have the chance to do that to tell the truth.

I will also have the chance to catch up with the friends I have up there, and maybe have a relaxing meal from time to time with them. When we visit during the pilgrimage,w e always have to mindful of the time so we can get back to the shrine in time for the evening Mass and all.

Well, I need to get going and finish packing!

I hope you all have a good and relaxing summer.


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