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Writer's pictureSt. Joseph Parish

Another Father Roach Journal Entry (12/16)

2nd installation of journal

December 16, 2011

Dear all, Family and friends,

For the past two days I have spent most of the day in the public transports (unbelievable) going to Nairobi to deal once again with the bank and to visit the Sisters of Our Lady of Africa, the White Sisters associated with the White Fathers of Africa and had a very pleasant conversing with a Sr. Margaret Kennedy. Bro. Benjamin was my guard and companion. People, People, People – children, children, children dusty, dirty and smelly as you try to manipulate your way through these streets. Roads impossibly nuneven, treacherous “pot holes” and the drivers of the “Matodos” fearless, aggressive, and amazing. traffic jams, traffic jams, traffic jams! hours and hours of waiting. If you think the LIE is a problem during peak hours of travel, it is, compared to what I am experiencing, a peace of cake.

The day after I traveled those many many tiring hours to Boguma and back I was treated to an MOP hair cut by Bro. Charles a wonderful, humble, and delightful Brother, not unlike Ron D. but of a different complexion, a beautiful Kenyan Brother.

I am constantly referred to as “Musongo”, phonetically spelled.

I am having a little difficulty with some kind of a growth on my neck so will see the doctor on Saturday. The medical personnel here in Kenya is on strike but a doctor comes to the Chapel and dispensary in Choca on Saturday so I should get some good advice and, perhaps, some medication. The discomfort is very minor so not to worry.

I have been commandeered to give a talk each morning in their three days of recollection preparing for Christmas. I feel very inadequate to the task but hope the Lord will inspire me.

That’s it for now. I hope all is well with everyone and with prayer and love for all and asking God’s blessing in abundance for all.


Fr. John

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