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UPDATE 16: 2/11/15 4pm We’ve all heard the saying, “wait until your father [sic] gets home.” Well, today it happened! He is back at the rectory. Unless something further develops, I intend to close this post on Sunday evening. I will start a new one if need be.
UPDATE 15: 2/10/15 8am Father underwent another procedure on Monday to look closely at his kidney and the results came back negative. Tell me if you’ve heard this before… He is hoping to return to the rectory at some point on Tuesday.
UPDATE 14: 2/6/15 10:30am Have just been informed that Father will be staying at Mercy thru the weekend to have an out patient procedure performed on Monday morning. It is unknown if he’ll be discharged afterwards. Stay tuned!
UPDATE 13: 2/4/15 8pm I visited Father this afternoon and he looks much better than he did a week ago. He said he has been pain free since the weekend. Many of his previous symptoms are diminished or gone (except pancreatic symptoms). He seemed well rested, has gained some weight back and is in very good spirits. But, that being said – his urologist is considering whether or not to keep him thru Friday now. He was moved to Room 544 yesterday.
UPDATE 12: 2/4/15 8am If all goes well, Father expects to be released on his own recognizance (and for good behavior) on Thursday.
UPDATE 11: 1/30/15 9:45am Father only gets basic cable and the Super Bowl isn’t covered on his channel listing, so in order that he may watch the game, the doctor’s have decided to keep him in the hospital at least through the weekend for further monitoring. He’s in Room 221 at Mercy Hospital in Springfield if you care to visit. PLEASE, NO VISITORS BEFORE NOON. THANK YOU.
UPDATE 10: 1/29/15 2:45pm Our connoisseur of fine hospital food is at it again… he was admitted to Mercy Hospital in Springfield this afternoon. He will be staying at least overnight for monitoring. This is blood test related and not necessarily connected to his other health concerns.
UPDATE 9 1/28/15 7:45pm Another consultation with the GI specialist today. A follow-up MRI will be scheduled ASAP to get an updated picture of what is happening with Father’s chronically inflamed pancreas. The doctor, based on the MRI results, will recommend the best path forward to reduce the inflammation. They do not want to wait any longer as it may become infected.
UPDATE 8 1/23/15 noon “I have great news to share with you regarding my pancreas – the results of the biopsies were negative. There is no trace of cancer. God is so good! The pancreas is seriously inflamed and further consultation with my specialist and his team is necessary to eradicate the inflammation and find the cause of the acute pancreatitis. Again, thank you all for your continued prayers and support. God bless you all.” – Fr. Tony
UPDATE 7 1/20/15 5:50pm Father had his procedure done at Baystate this afternoon – the results of which may be known as early as this weekend.
UPDATE 6 1/16/15 8:30am Some progress to report today in that Father reports having gained 5lbs since leaving Baystate (where he lost over 20lbs.). He continues to be in good spirits, but requires medication to moderate the periodic pain. An Endoscopic Ultrasound is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon at Baystate. He has provided a message for the parish that is in this week’s bulletin and will be read at all of the Masses this weekend. I’ve posted it here:
“I’ve been on a roller-coaster of a health issue—the pancreas—since Christmas Eve. As you know, I’ve been hospitalized twice and have undergone a series of tests and procedures. An MRI was finally taken, which necessitates further investigation. I sincerely thank you for your prayers—above everything—between your good selves, my family and friends. Please keep them coming! You have been a great support to me with ‘get well’ cards and well-wishes. All anyone can do is to place his faith in God’s hands, and this fills me with peace and confidence—His will be done. I am still a Happy Chappy (especially after my meds).”
UPDATE 5 1/12/15 9:45pm Father continues to rest comfortably at home and is eating solid foods IAW his diet plan. He intends to address the parish in this week’s bulletin as to his medical condition. His strength/stamina is not returning (standing for long periods would be difficult at this point), and as such, we will continue to have visiting priests fill-in for him until he’s well enough to return. Please continue to pray for his speedy recovery.
UPDATE 4 1/11/15 6:00pm Sprung again! He’s out and back at the rectory. He had an ultrasound this morning. Let’s pray there are no relapses!
UPDATE 3 1/10/15 8:20pm: Father was able to eat solid foods for both lunch and supper today, and is pain-free. He is expected to remain in the hospital until Monday, when the results of his MRI are expected.
UPDATE 2 1/10/15 10:40am: Having become very vocal and adamant about having an MRI done, Father is scheduled to have one at 11am today.
UPDATE 1: Father was taken by ambulance to BFMC in Greenfield at 10pm on Friday, January 9 after suffering another bout of sharp abdominal pain. Father had a follow-up appointment with his team of doctors at Baystate Medical Center yesterday afternoon to discuss the results of his tests – which were all negative. In other words, they don’t know, at this point, what caused his illness. A follow-up endoscopy and an MRI have also been scheduled. His appetite is returning, but his energy level is not where he would like it to be at this stage in his recovery. This may be due to his significant weight loss while in the hospital. Updates as warranted…