On a beautiful summer day, after many, many months of exhaustive work and preparation, Father Paul Bombardier dedicated the Labyrinth and Stone/Peace Garden Projects at Saint Joseph Church today. About 50 people came to hear Father Paul thank the numerous people involved with the project, to reflect on its meaning and purpose, and to bless the site. The Real to Reel Television program, The Greenfield Recorder and The Shelburne Falls and West County Independent newspapers covered the event. Following the dedication, the Family & Community Life Commission provided an outstanding reception with a variety of sumptuous snacks, sandwiches and desserts.

Please come and sit on one of the stone benches to meditate, or walk the labyrinth and feel its reassuring power. Find the memory stone you purchased – perhaps make an etching of the stone, leave a flower or some other small gift. Perhaps you might pray the rosary, recite the Stations of the Cross or meditate on the Litany of the Saints or contemplate on a Novena while making your journey to the center.

To walk the labyrinth, to sit on the stone bench or to meditate in the peace garden is an intensely personal encounter, so however you’d like to experience the areas, we earnestly welcome you!
Visit the photos tab and click on Labyrinth Dedication to see more pictures of the dedication. You can read the entire text of the Blessing ceremony here.