2014 Saint Joseph Parish Catechumen Michael Hayden, Robert, Katelyn, Alecia and Melissa Carmody
Father Tony presented our Catechumen elect: Michael Hayden, Robert, Melissa, Katelyn and Alecia Carmody, with a copy of The Lord’s Prayer during the 8am Mass this weekend. The presentation is part of the Scrutinies the elect are undergoing these last few weeks of Lent before being baptized into the faith at the Easter Vigil.
The presentation is held during the week following the third scrutiny…. From antiquity the Lord’s Prayer has been the prayer proper to those who in baptism have received the spirit of adoption. When the elect have been baptized and take part in their first celebration of the eucharist, they will join the rest of the faithful in saying the Lord’s Prayer.
Two weeks ago they were presented with copies of The Apostles Creed.